Bolton CAMRA Chorley Trip

9 December 2017

Meet at 1.00pm at the Crown on Market Street. Pubs to visit will include those listed below. It is always a good afternoon out in Chorley

Bob Inn, 24 Market Place, Chorley PR7 1DA

Crown, 46-48 Chapel St., Chorley, PR7 1BW

Shepherds Hall Ale House, 67 Chapel Street, Chorley, PR7 1BS

Ale Station, 60 chapel St., Chorley PR7 1BS

Bootleggers, 21 Bolton St., Chorley, PR7 3AA

Malt’n’Hops, 50-52 Friday St. Chorley, PR6 0AH

Railway, 20 Steeley Lane, Chorley PR7 0RD

Trains from Bolton to Chorley (unless engineering works) leave Bolton at 12.25 and 12.41 arriving in Chorley at 12.41 and 13.02 respectively. Return fare is £5.50

Alternatively, the 125 bus leaves from Bolton bus station approximately every 10 minutes. There are buses at 11.53 and 12.05 arriving in Chorley at 12.42 and 12.54 respectively.

For more information, contact Gill on 07967 585670 or email

9 December – Chorley Trip