There will be a branch Extraordinary General Meeting on 26th March, 8.15pm to coincide with the branch meeting.

New branch officers will be elected to vacant posts – details are listed below. If you would like to stand for a branch position, please register your interest with Graham Walsh, Branch Secretary by email.  The CAMRA national website has descriptions of branch roles – click here to view.

The venue for the branch meeting and EGM is the Spinning Mule.


Chair VACANT Mandatory
Secretary and Branch Contact Graham Walsh Mandatory
Treasurer Don Chattwood Mandatory
Pubs Officer VACANT Mandatory
Membership Secretary Andrew Moulding Mandatory
GBG Co-ordinator Cliff Burgess
Young Members Andy Kerks
Newsletter Editor Jez Wadd Yes
Website Editor Aidan Corcoran
Public Affairs VACANT
Pub Preservation Officer VACANT
WhatPub Co-ordinator Don Chattwood
Social Secretary VACANT
Press & Publicity VACANT
Cider Officer Alison Whitaker
Beer Festival Co-ordinator Pete Kobryn
Auditor Aidan Corcoran
Auditor John Corcoran
Dunscar Bridge BLO Jack Guffogg Yes
Bank Top BLO Richard Blagg Yes Yes
Blackedge BLO Gill Smart Yes