Bolton CAMRA will stage its annual General Meeting on Thursday 26th November at 8.15pm. The venue is The Balmoral Hotel, Bradshawgate, Bolton. The meeting will be held in the upstairs room, and real ale will be available on the bar!

The meeting will consist of reports from branch officers and elections for branch positions.

All positions within the branch are elected annually, and any branch member can stand for any post. Nominations (including self-nominations) can be made by emailing the Branch Secretary – . Please state your name, address, CAMRA membership number and the position you wish to stand for. The branch is currently a little short of volunteers, so nominations would be gratefully received!

The branch supports the CAMRA Campaigns, and joining in is fun and rewarding – please consider helping out with Bolton CAMRA.

Roles are listed below – click on each link to see a description on the CAMRA Members’ Website. You will need to log in using your CAMRA membership number and password (usually your postcode without spaces). If you have forgotten your password, there is a link on the website to request a reminder.

Once logged in , you will see a ‘Dashboard’ for the role (see below) and you can learn more about the position by clicking the links.

We hope to hear from you soon!


Beer Festival Organiser

Branch Campaigns Officer

Branch Chair

Branch Cider Representative

Branch Clubs Officer

Branch Contact

Branch GBG Coordinator

Branch LocAle Coordinator

Branch local Guide Officer

Branch Magazine Editor

Branch Membership Secretary

Branch NBSS Coordinator

Branch Press and Publicity Officer

Branch Pub Campaigns Coordinator

Branch Pub Database Coordinator

Branch Pub Protection Officer

Branch Public Affairs Officer

Branch Public Transport Officer

Branch Secretary

Branch Social Media Coordinator

Branch Social Secretary

Branch Student Liaison Officer

Branch Treasurer

Branch Website Coordinator

Branch Young Member Contact


Notice of Bolton CAMRA Branch AGM