Thursday 26th November is the Branch AGM held at the Balmoral Hotel on Bradshawgate starting 8.15pm. All members are welcome to attend and hear more about how the Branch is run. Nominations for all Branch positions are accepted up to and including the meeting. The list of current positions can be found here
On Thursday 17th December also at the Balmoral Hotel is the Branch Christmas social and quiz staring at 8.15pm.
The vote for the Branch Pub of the Season for Summer was a dead heat. Awards were made to both winning pubs, the Bank Top Brewery Tap in Astley Bridge and the House Without a Name in Harwood. Winter Pub of the Season will be voted on early in the new year. The awards are made to pubs serving consistent quality real ale and cider to the highest standards. CAMRA Beer Scoring is quick and easy to do and helps the Branch to choose the best pubs to shortlist for these awards.
CAMRA’s LocAle scheme promotes pubs stocking and serving high quality locally brewed real ale. The scheme builds on a growing demand for local produce and helps to raise the profile of some of the area’s breweries in what can be a crowded market. The Branch defines all breweries occurring within 25 miles of Bolton Town Hall as LocAle. A list of the main qualifying breweries can be found here. LocAle accredited venues are found by searching on WhatPub or looking out for the publicity material in the pub. Information is updated regularly and feedback is always welcome from members on new breweries and pubs.
Pub News
The Alma Inn is in the running for a national award – read the story in the Bolton News.
The Railway Venue, Bromley Cross is due to close in January. The Bolton News has this report.
The Finishers Arms is open again after a refurbishment – again, the Bolton News has an article.
If you have any pub news to share, please let us know – click here for contact details.