cbobVoting is open now. Every year we ask our members to participate in the selection process for Britain’s champion beers.

These prestigious awards not only bring recognition and an enhanced repution for the brewery, but also (in some cases) much needed commerial success – ultimately passed on to you the local drinker.

All CAMRA members have the right to nominate beers in their local area via the CBoB voting website. Help promote local real ale on the national stage by casting your votes today.


How to Vote
Any CAMRA member can log in into the CBoB website www.cbobvoting.org.uk using their membership number and members’ website details. If you have forgotten these details you can reset your password by clicking here. Alternatively, you can contact the Membership Services team emailing membership@camra.org.uk or call 01727 798 440.

Having logged in you will be able to access information about the nomination schedule.

The CBoB voting system gives every CAMRA member the opportunity to have a say in who wins and becomes CAMRA’s Champion Beer of Britain.

Spread the word once you’ve voted #votecbob.





Champion Beer of Britain