June Branch Meeting

The next branch meeting will be held on Tuesday 4 June 2024 at the Blackedge Brewery Bar, Moreton Mill, Hampson Street, Horwich, BL6 7JH. The evening will start with the presentation to the bar of the Pub of the Year Runner-up Award at 7.30pm and the meeting will follow at 8.00pm. 

General Election

As I am sure you will have heard, a General Election has been called for the 4 July 2024. CAMRA has set out its Manifesto for  the election and its demands from the new government are:

Improved consumer rights – Consumers don’t currently have a right to clear information about the ingredients, price, dispense, or information about where drinks have come from and who owns the brands on the bar. We’d like to see this introduced by the next Government so consumers can make an informed choice about the products they choose, as well as a new consumer right to a full pint – which isn’t currently the law.

Access to market for small and independent producers – The pub market is largely owned by a few big players, making it harder for small, independent beer and cider makers to get their products in front of consumers. The next Government should work to open the market up, supporting these producers and creating more consumer choice.

Fair tax – The next Government should maximise the benefits of the new draught duty rate by extending the difference between tax paid on draught beer and cider in the pub and that sold in off-licenses and supermarkets. We’d also like to see them reduce VAT on beer and cider sold in the on-trade. Both these steps recognise and encourage the social benefits of consuming beer, cider and perry on licensed premises.

Planning protections for pubs – The next Government should improve planning protection and enforcement in England to prevent viable and valued pubs and social clubs being lost to unfair or unwanted demolition or conversion without serious and consistent consequences – including the power to order pubs to be rebuilt brick by brick if necessary.

Business rates reform – To recognise the community value of pubs, the next Government should undertake a full review of business rates in England to fix the unfair overpayment by the pub sector permanently and to make sure that online businesses pay their fair share compared to bricks-and-mortar businesses like pubs and social clubs.

Further information can be seen here  and an e-lobby of candidates will be launched in the next week or so. In the meantime, if candidates come knocking on your door, why not take the opportunity to ask them what they would do, if elected, to protect Bolton’s pubs and clubs and encourage a thriving hospitality sector in the borough.

Pub Closures

The CAMRA Branch is consulted as a matter of course on any planning application submitted to the Council which affects a pub in the borough. We receive a steady trickle of notifications about pubs being converted to other uses, most commonly houses of multiple occupation or nurseries. Often the pubs have been closed for some time and sold on by the pub company and there is only a slim prospect of their being brought back to life as pubs. Nevertheless, CAMRA will still respond to the consultation, particularly if it involves the loss of a community asset.

Not all the pubs are closed, however. You may have seen in the Bolton News and on the BBC recently that the Cotton Tree in Halliwell is under threat of closure and conversion to a nursery. The news coverage shows that the regulars are very concerned about the loss of what they feel is a valued community facility. CAMRA is willing to be involved in campaigns to save our local pubs but it needs regulars willing to take on the fight. If you find your local pub is in danger of being lost forever and you want to take action to stop it becoming another closure statistic, CAMRA can advise on the practicalities of campaigning to save a pub, options available, and how to use the planning system to combat unwanted change. The CAMRA branch also has local knowledge of the relevant contacts to help you get in touch with the right people. The branch can be contacted at pubs@bolton.camra.org.uk and guidance can be accessed here.

 Summer of Sport

The UEFA European Football Championships kick off in June and the government has allowed pubs to open longer should England get through to the later stages of the tournament. This should provide a welcome boost for the hospitality industry as fans head to the pub to cheer on their team. 

Football isn’t everyone’s thing, of course, and there are plenty of pubs and clubs in the borough where you can enjoy a tipple watching, or playing, cricket, rugby, darts and even bridge so hopefully there’s something out there for everyone. If you’re enjoying a real ale in any of these venues please remember to update WhatPub and score the beers.


John Mitchell


Bolton CAMRA branch update