Branch Meeting

Unfortunately, the October Branch Meeting due to be held this evening, 1 October, at the Beer School, Westhoughton, has had to be postponed, owing to a  leak at the premises. The good news is that the meeting will now take place next Tuesday, 8 October 2024 at 7.30 at the Beer School. The meeting will be followed by a beer themed quiz. Everyone is welcome, as always, and we will be hoping to attract some new members to join the branch.


The new Chancellor’s first Budget will be held on Wednesday 30 October and we want to see meaningful action taken to support pubs, social clubs, brewers, cider makers and consumers.

We’ve called for the Chancellor to make sure that the draught duty rate is able to realise its full potential by introducing a 20% difference between the tax paid on pints in pubs compared to supermarket alcohol. We’ve also asked the Government to stick by their manifesto committment to reform the unfair Business Rates system.

CAMRA has joined forces with industry leaders, the Society of Independent Brewers to send groundbreaking new economic modelling directly to the Treasury, showing the transformation a UK wide cut in duty charged on beer and cider served in pubs could bring.  

Our proposed 20% discount for tax on pints in pubs would create thousands of new jobs and put millions back into the economy, as consumers are encouraged to move from supermarket alcohol back to being able to support their local pubs and social clubs. We’ll also be taking the campaign to the heart of Parliament, holding events to lobby MPs directly over the next six weeks.

If you haven’t already done so, you can help by emailing your MP asking them to urge the Chancellor to support CAMRA’s position. The link below will take you to CAMRA’s main campaigning page where you can use the easy online tool. This will match you with your MP and give you a template email, which you can choose to edit or send straight away. It only takes a few minutes to get involved.



John Mitchell


Branch: Bolton

Bolton CAMRA branch update