Welcome to the first Branch Update of 2025. The weather so far has been fairly awful so thank you to those of you who braved the elements to attend our socials and the January Branch meeting.

You may have noticed that the CAMRA logo has changed. This is part of a rebrand which aims to encourage more people to get involved with CAMRA, while celebrating how the organisation has changed the beer landscape, and continues to campaign for cask beer, cider and perry, pubs and clubs.

Good Beer Guide Selection

Online voting is now open to select the Branch’s entries for the Good Beer Guide 2026. A shortlist of eighteen pubs and clubs has been drawn up and members may vote for up to thirteen venues where they think the Real Ale quality merits inclusion in the Good Beer Guide, ideally having visited them during 2024/2025.  Those with the most votes will go forward as the branch’s entries. You can vote on the branch website here and the criteria for how the shortlist has been drawn up can be found here. You will need your membership number and password to log in and vote.

The deadline for online voting is midnight on 3 February 2025. Alternatively, you can vote in person at the next branch meeting at the Millstone 12 Crown Street, Bolton, BL1 2RU 6 February 2025 if you prefer.

Winter Pub of the Season

On the same page you can also vote for the Winter Pub of the Season. Again, you will need your membership number and password to log in. Three pubs have been nominated:

Blackedge Brewery Bar, Horwich, Moreton Mill, Hampson Street, Horwich BL6 7JH
House Without a Name, Harwood 75 Lea Gate, Harwood, BL2 3ET
Stork Tavern, Bolton 548 Halliwell Road, Bolton, BL1 8BP

The criteria for the award are set out on the voting page. The deadline for online voting is midnight on 5 February 2025. As above, you may vote in person at the February branch meeting if you prefer.

Handpump Hijack

You may be aware of this campaign relating to the introduction by Carlsberg of their Fresh Ale product. One of the factors that makes cask unique is that it doesn’t leave the brewery as a finished product. Instead, the conditioning that completes the brewing process is done at the pub, and relies on the skills, timing and experience of the staff and licensee. On the other hand, most beers, including lagers, kegged beers, and ‘Fresh Ale’ are ready to drink when they leave the brewery. These beers have a longer shelf life, and can be easier to serve.

Brewers often make both these types of beer, and CAMRA believes they should market them accordingly, so consumers know what they’re getting. ‘Fresh Ale’ is not a cask beer, and hijacking a handpump to sell it as if it were is unfair and misleading to pub-goers. Two examples of this fresh ale have been spotted in Bolton town centre – at Hogarths and Northern Way. Look out for the small print on the pump clips telling you that the beer is ‘brewery conditioned’. 

More information on the Handpump Hijack campaign can be found on the branch website here where there is also a link to the national website.

Gift Ideas

Bolton CAMRA has come into possession of a number of pumpclips which have been framed up and are now available as an exclusive offer for CAMRA members. Prices range from £10 – £16 and the proceeds will go to Branch funds to help fund our campaigning activities. Further information is available here. Once again, membership number and password will be required. Thanks to Chelsea from the Spinning Mule for the donation.


CAMRA is a volunteer led organisation and we’re always on the lookout for members who want to get involved in the campaign. There are lots of opportunities to become involved from local branch activies through the North West regional structures right up to the National Executive, CAMRA’s board of directors.

Following the formation of the new North West Region which includes Lancashire, Cumbria and the Isle of Man, as well as Greater Manchester, there is a vacancy for a Greater Manchester Area Co-ordinator and Deputy. This role will act as the link between the Greater Manchester branches and the North West Regional Director. The co-ordinator will also help organise the quarterly area meetings which are hosted by each of the branches in turn. A full description of the role can be seen here and if you think you would like to take on this role, please contact the Regional Director on this address: rd.northwest@camra.org.uk  

Whether you are an active member or you simply pay your subscription and enjoy a pint of real ale, you are still supporting one of the most successful consumer organisations in Europe. Please continue to support us by putting your big coat on, battling the wind and rain and getting down to your local pub or club.


John Mitchell – Chair

Bolton CAMRA Branch Update